Emmanuel Friedens Church
Variety is the spice of life and that's what makes our adult sunday school so popular. These classes cover many topics led by staff, members and community leaders. Book discussions, current events, Bible study, spiritual practices and money topics are some of what's in store for this year.
Faith is the cornerstone of our church. It is part of every activity that we do, every meeting that we hold. We believe in our Lord, and that our actions are a reflection of his goodness.
Youth group is open to youth in grades 7-12. The purpose is to engage our youth in building meaningful relationships with themselves, their peers, their church, their community and God. We aim to provide fun & fellowship with other youth their own age, opportunities for service in the community and church, and model and teach creative ways to listen, understand, dream, and act with God.
A uniquely creative alternative to cookie cutter Vacation Bible School—designed and presented by professionals from community churches.
Each child will engage, through body, mind and spirit, the wonder and mystery of God's transforming power within all creation.
Variety is the spice of life and that's what makes our adult sunday school so popular. These classes cover many topics led by staff, members and community leaders. Book discussions, current events, Bible study, spiritual practices and money topics are some of what's in store for this year.
Youth group is open to youth in grades 6-12. The purpose is to engage our youth in building meaningful relationships with themselves, their peers, their church, their community and God. We aim to provide fun & fellowship with other youth their own age, opportunities for service in the community and church, and model and teach creative ways to listen, understand, dream, and act with God.
A uniquely creative alternative to cookie cutter Vacation Bible School—designed and presented by professionals from community churches.
Each child will engage, through body, mind and spirit, the wonder and mystery of God's transforming power within all creation.
Family Oriented Ministry.
Welcoming, Opening & Affirming.
Federated American Baptist & UCC Church.
Created and Hosted on BUILD by One Eleven